In the movie, "The Terminator", we saw the future where humanoid robots wage war on mankind. 
What if they become real ?

The fact is that, many countries are looking forward for creating robot soldiers

Our wars used to be fought on foot, but then we used horses for battle. 
At the beginning, weapons were stones and spheres but it was replaced by swords and arrows. It remained as the choice until guns were invented. 
Finally we are in the era of nuclear weapons.     

In near future, robotic soldiers shall take over the world's military. 
And human soldiers will rarely come face to face with their enemies. 
🤖  WHY ?

The main aims are to engage combat without risking human lives.

It will keep the soldiers from getting killed in missions and enhance the security and defence.

It is cheaper than fielding human soldiers.
Because humans required health care, salary, retirement benefits, and so on. 


Presently, South Korea uses robots to patrol its border with North Korea. 

This border is considered to be the most dangerous border in the world and also the most militarized border on Earth. 

The robots used by them are Intelligent Surveillance and Guard Robots

It can detect intruders and even fire at the intruder!

Pentagon, the headquarters of American department of defense, made a huge investment in robotic systems.

They deploys 11,000 UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) and 12,000 ground robots across the world. 

They're looking forward to employ more robotic soldiers on the battlefield by 2025.

China and Russia are developing robot soldiers which can operate independently of human control.

India is also developing their own military robots.
Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIR), a Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) lab is heading India’s research in artificial intelligence.

But not just countries are investing in robots.
Google has begun buying up robotic companies, in order to dominate the commercial market. Its a business of billions. 

Modern war is ironic.
War can have 2 consequences, destruction and toil for the common people and a business of billions for some others. 


Think. Nations are on the way to become more and more advanced with military and heading to dominate others. 

Why can't we use our technology to make peace?

Everybody knows what nuclear weapons have done to this world. 
And now, humans are deploying 'machines' for waging war with his own civilization.
Remember what Albert Einstein said. "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."


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